Discover the passive exoskeleton
It relieves the human back during daily work, prevents back pain, and thus reduces illness-related downtime.
The BionicBack exoskeleton helps make workplaces ergonomic where employees often have to lift heavy and repeatedly.
Whether it's dynamic bending and lifting loads or maintaining a static forced posture: the BionicBack provides perfect relief - scientifically proven.
Back pain and herniated discs are statistically among the most common causes of illness-related work absences. The relief ensures that back problems don't arise in the first place.
Imagine performing the same lifting activity every day. Naturally, your muscles would tire during an eight-hour workday. With the right lifting aid, such as our BionicBack exoskeleton, this fatigue is reduced. The result: healthy, satisfied, and motivated employees and increased efficiency.
If the human musculoskeletal system is incorrectly stressed over time, it negatively affects posture, leading to issues like a rounded back along with back pain. Fitness training and sports can counteract these complaints, but often damages are difficult to repair. Preventative measures would be simpler. This includes our BionicBack. It keeps the spine straight and thus prevents a rounded back.

Feels so natural
The secret: The supportive back structure. It is modeled after the human back, flexible and adjusts to Your movements. That's why wearing the BionicBack exoskeleton feels so natural. It doesn't restrict and can be adapted to every one of Your everyday needs.
Your Back - Your Freedom of Movement

Just like Your back! The best part is that thanks to this back structure, You can work just as You did before. Twisting, bending in the upper body, or even squatting are all as possible as without the exoskeleton. A pleasant effect: The structure also provides You with a slight spring action.
Ultra Flexible
Ergo Form
Just like Your back has. The ergonomic structure fits snugly, like a second back. This supports Your lumbar region and brings it into an optimal position. When lifting and carrying, the structure absorbs the forces that arise and distributes them evenly across the entire exoskeleton system.

Made from high-performance plastics, the ergonomic support structure mimics Your back. Through careful material selection and optimized process technology, we ensure excellent quality.
--made in GERMANY--
Complex and
not to be underestimated!

The BionicBack exoskeleton
offers two adjustment options:
The dynamic support is used when You often have to bend down quickly and repeatedly to lift and move loads. Application fields include beverage logistics, furniture logistics, or forwarding agencies.
The setting provides constant support throughout the entire work period, for every pick, and is also continuously adjustable.
Relief with every pick
Quick handling
Comfortable to wear - all day long
You use the static support when You work in a bent-over position for extended periods. Application fields include caregiving or landscape gardening.
The setting offers continuous relief of the back throughout the entire work time. You can almost lean into the system during Your bent-over activities.
Perfect for activities in a static posture
Increases the strength of the back structure
Flexible application possibilities
Sizes S-XL, Unisex
1,180 g in weight
Simple handling
Self-donning and adjusting
Can be put on in seconds
Can be worn under a jacket
Sitting with the exoskeleton is easy
No interference contours
Minimal contact areas - little heat generation while wearing
Dynamic Support
Static Holding Support
Continuously Adjustable
Individual Support Optimized for the Workplace
Relief When Bending
Spine Support
Continuous Free-Movement Function

The shoulder straps feature a breathable mesh structure. This allows vapor to escape easily, reducing the formation of heat and sweat. The airy construction further improves the wearing comfort of the exoskeleton system.
Physical work makes you sweat! But how hygienic is the BionicBack then? The exoskeleton is designed with minimal contact areas. The cushions can be easily removed and are washable. Through optional replacement pads, the system can also be used without hygiene concerns by two people, depending on the shift.

Check out the BionicBack in everyday life