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  • Exoskelette: Entlastung für Deinen Rücken

    #SupportToWear Your exoskeleton manufacturer Welcome to hTRIUS - where usability meets innovation! Our mission is to make your life easier. Our exoskeletons are designed to facilitate your work and sustainably improve ergonomics. We prioritize people. We focus on thoughtful solutions that not only reduce absenteeism but also enhance your well-being. Our exoskeletons are the result of passion, research, and a deep understanding of your needs. Here, YOU are the star! Pain-free living We believe that every individual in our society plays a significant role and deserves a healthy, pain-free work life. That's why we've made it our mission to develop tools and technologies that relieve and support physically demanding workers. We put 100% passion and motivation into each of our products - whether you call it an exoskeleton, lifting aid, or tool. We prioritize functionality and ergonomic design because we want to free you and your colleagues from lower back and lumbar pain. Highly motivated BionicBack-Exoskelett Discover now The Right Choice for Your Back Are you frequently engaged in moving heavy loads and putting strain on your back during your workday? Then we have the perfect solution for you! Our passive BionicBack exoskeleton noticeably relieves your back. Additionally, it improves ergonomically challenging workspaces and sets new standards. The BionicBack reduces strain on your back by up to 30% and decreases fatigue by up to 86%. This means you stay fit even after work! Say goodbye to tired back and leg muscles—this way, you and your team will have enough energy for a well-deserved evening! Your quality of life automatically improves. Wrap Up Your Workday Feeling Fit Flexible. Relieving. Perfect. The exoskeleton combines flexibility and rigidity, relief, and posture. The elastic back structure perfectly adapts to the natural shape of your spine. Furthermore, it helps you find an optimal lifting position and reduces the formation of a rounded back. Learn more With our passive exoskeleton, you bring #SupportToWear to your company. Lightweight yet powerful, it supports your back with every bend and effectively prevents strain. Say goodbye to back pain and experience carefree workdays with BionicBack! #SupportToWear Discover now X-ERGO 3D Pad Ergonomic Excellence Through Innovation Specially designed for your lumbar region, this innovative pad combines state-of-the-art 3D printing technology with ergonomic perfection. The X-ERGO 3D Pad elevates comfort to a whole new level. BionicBack in action Learn More You'll find the BionicBack in a variety of industries because it's used in areas where physical relief and support are needed. So, the applications are diverse. Where the Exoskeleton is Utilized Whether you're in logistics, industry, or trades, the BionicBack adapts to your needs, helping you make your work more efficient and comfortable. Efficient & Comfortable Solution for Back Pain Wherever physical strain leads to back problems, our BionicBack is deployed. Flexible and versatile, it provides a solution for those suffering from back pain. To the industries #SupportToWear Our customers share a common vision: they all opt for #SupportToWear through our BionicBack exoskeleton. Scientifically tested Learn more Trust is good, but control is better – that's why we rely on comprehensive testing and facts to ensure that our exoskeletons deliver on their promises. We take our motto #noBullshit very seriously: we deliver what we promise. #noBullshit is our motto Products Backed by Expertise At hTRIUS, we develop revolutionary products with courage, dedication, and extensive knowledge. Our team combines expertise from sports science, ergonomics, mechanical engineering, and mechatronics to create the best for you. Support Guaranteed We test to ensure that our BionicBack exoskeleton provides the ultimate support. Through meticulous laboratory tests, we measure muscle activity, guaranteeing the effectiveness of our development. Results Exoskeleton World So that you to become an expert in the field of exoskeletons, we answer a variety of questions on topics such as active and passive exoskeletons, BionicBack, back relief, and much more. Discover. Explore. Develop. Who we are We're young, innovative, and maybe a little bit crazy. Our mission is to explore new worlds and change them sustainably—with groundbreaking technology and innovative systems. We believe that every individual plays an important role and should navigate their work life in a healthy and pain-free manner. We love what we do Join our team Jobs Diverse Team, Unique Solutions Our diverse bunch includes athletes, engineers, biomechanics experts, ergonomics specialists, textile technologists, and creative minds. It's not just about products for us. We offer support, functionality, and flexibility. About us Sustainable. Valuable. Human-centric. With experience from industry, research, and sports, we aim to create real value. People are at the heart of what we do—our motto? "Do it for the people." Because only when our exoskeletons deliver on their promises can they truly help. Join the Team Just like in sports, every player counts here! Our secret? Unbridled courage, curiosity, and above all—fun! This is the space for creative minds, adventurers, and sources of motivation. Ready for a team switch or a trial run? Together for a healthier future If you're curious, want to learn more about us, or have questions, feel free to reach out. Contact You can also find more information, applications, and behind-the-scenes glimpses on our social media channels. Stop by!

  • Wir - das Team hinter hTRIUS | hTRIUS

    Wir Why? Wir glauben daran, dass jeder Mensch in der Gesellschaft einen wichtigen Teil einnimmt und sein Arbeitsleben gesund und schmerzfrei beschreiten können soll. How? Das erreichen wir durch sinnvolle und funktionale Tools zur Entlastung körperlich hart arbeitender Menschen. Die Tools schränken unter den Anforderungen des Arbeitsalltages nicht ein, sind leicht zu tragen und einfach zu bedienen. What? Darum entwickeln & produzieren wir genau die Tools & Technologien, welche diesen Zweck erfüllen. Dazu zählen zum Beispiel unsere Exoskelette. Vision Unsere Vision ist es, alle körperbelastenden Arbeitsplätze mit unseren Exoskeletten auszustatten und jedem den Zugang zu einem gesünderen Leben zu ermöglichen. Wir wollen, dass du deine beruflichen und privaten Ziele ohne körperliche Einschränkungen erreichen kannst. Gemeinsam schaffen wir eine Zukunft, in der körperliche Beschwerden der Vergangenheit angehören. Lass uns die Art und Weise, wie du arbeitest und lebst, revolutionieren – für eine gesündere, glücklichere und stärkere Gesellschaft. Mission Unsere Mission bei hTRIUS ist es, durch innovative Exoskelette die Lebensqualität zu verbessern. Wir wollen körperliche Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz reduzieren, individuelle Lösungen bieten und nachhaltige Praktiken fördern. Mit unseren benutzerfreundlichen Produkten ermöglichen wir mehr Menschen ein gesünderes Arbeiten und Leben, begleitet von umfassendem Kundenservice. Wir bieten nicht nur Werkzeuge, sondern Begleiter, die Menschen täglich dabei unterstützen, ihre körperlichen Grenzen zu überwinden. hTRIUS Space Wir bei hTRIUS wollen einen Space schaffen, in dem schlaue und kreative Köpfe ihre Ideen frei äußern und umsetzen können. Dabei ist unser Ziel jedem die Möglichkeit zu bieten sich frei zu entfalten. Durch diese Teamdynamik schaffen wir ein dynamisches Umfeld in dem man neue Wege gehen und in unbekannte Bereiche vordringen kann. Bist du bereit Teil der Crew zu werden? Join the team Sport Bei hTRIUS setzen wir uns nicht nur für Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz ein, sondern auch für einen aktiven, dynamischen Lebensstil. Deshalb freuen wir uns sehr, die Black Forest Foxes als Sponsor zu unterstützen – ein Team, das Stärke, Ausdauer und Teamgeist verkörpert. Dominik Heinzelmann Alles, was heute existiert, war vor Kurzem noch unsichtbar. Alles, was morgen Wirklichkeit wird, entspringt unseren heutigen Taten. Die Zukunft, die wir gestalten werden, beginnt genau jetzt. Jeder Tag bietet die Chance auf ein besseres Morgen. Lasst uns diese Chance gemeinsam nutzen und unsere Zukunft aktiv gestalten, Schritt für Schritt. Geschäftsleitung Jonas Haag Bei hTRIUS vereinen wir technologischen Fortschritt mit durchdachtem Design, tiefem Verständnis für den menschlichen Körper und seinen Bewegungsabläufen, kompromisslosem Nutzerfokus und pragmatischem Denken. Unser Team bringt unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten und Perspektiven ein, doch wir folgen einem klaren Ziel: Unsere Werte sind unser Maßstab. Gemeinsam entwickeln wir Produkte, die sich im Arbeitsalltag bewähren und echten Mehrwert für unsere Kunden schaffen. Werte Team Du hast Lust in einem dynamischen Team zu arbeiten und die Welt der Exoskelette mitzugestalten? Dann komm in unser Team und werde ein Teil von hTRIUS! Mehr erfahren Jetzt bewerben

  • Jobs | hTRIUS

    Join the team Offene Stellen Zu den Benefits Wir lieben, was wir tun. Wir sind innovativ, mutig und vielleicht ein bisschen frech. Wir beobachten den Markt der Exoskelette schon seit langem. Für uns ist klar - die Technologie wird Nutzen stiften, sobald der Mehrwert auch wirklich beim Endkunden, also dem Träger, ankommt. Deshalb steht bei uns die Usability an erster Stelle. Jede technologische Innovation, die wir entwickeln, wird konsequent auf diesen Punkt heruntergebrochen. Unser Team vereint Expertise aus Industrie, Forschung und Sport – mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel: nachhaltige Beziehungen zu unseren Usern und Kunden aufzubauen. Dabei schaffen wir Mehrwert für unterschiedlichste Interessengruppen. Ganz nach unserem Motto: „Do it for the people.“ Der Mensch, der unsere Systeme trägt, steht bei uns im Mittelpunkt. Neugierig auf Einblicke in unseren Arbeitsalltag? Dann schau doch mal auf unseren Social Media Channels vorbei! Benefits Worauf du dich freuen kannst! Flexible Arbeitszeiten Passe deine Arbeitszeiten deinem Leben an! Firmenfitness Erhalte durch Wellpass Zugang zu zahlreichen Fitnessstudios, Schwimmbädern und vielem mehr! Team Events ‎Wir feiern gemeinsam! Sommerevent, Stammtisch, Weihnachtsevent, ... Gemeinsames Ziel Wir haben die selbe Vision und geben Gas unsere Ziele zu erreichen! Kreative Arbeitsumgebung ‎Lass deinen Gedanken freien Lauf und gehe neue Wege. Zukunft gestalten ‎Bringe deine Ideen mit ein und starte mit uns durch! Dein Weg in unser Team 01. Lade deine Bewerbung zu deiner passenden Stelle hoch 02. Wir lernen uns in einem ersten telefonischen Gespräch kennen 03. Meet the Team - wir lernen uns persönlich bei uns vor Ort kennen 04. Du erhältst deine Zusage und wir freuen uns dich im Team zu begrüßen! Jetzt bewerben! Unsere Werte Transparenz und Offenheit sind die Grundlage unserer Arbeit. Wir kommunizieren klar und halten unsere Versprechen. Wir haben den Mut, neue Wege zu gehen und innovative Lösungen zu entwickeln. Wir scheuen uns nicht, Risiken einzugehen und den Status quo zu hinterfragen. Auf uns können sich unsere Kunden verlassen. Wir liefern hochwertige Produkte und stehen unseren Kunden jederzeit unterstützend zur Seite. Mehr erfahren Hast du noch Fragen? HR - Back Office Managerin Ann-Katrin Bronner +49 162 6013151 Mail Phone

  • Exoskelett kaufen | hTRIUS

    Are you looking for relief for your employees? We have the solution: Relief to wear in the form of an exoskeleton, the " BionicBack ", which demonstrably and flexibly relieves the back during bending and static activities. There are several ways to do this: #SupportToWear for your workplace Request TEST Info TEST IT If your employees or you are exposed to enormous physical stress during work, an exoskeleton can help. The exoskeleton is available for you to put on in the form of the BionicBack and can provide the best possible relief for your back during bending and lifting movements as well as during static activities. hTRIUS develops and produces high-quality exoskeletons "Made in Germany", which you can use for a wide variety of work in logistics, industry or trade. As an efficient lifting aid, the BionicBack can be worn during the entire activity and is particularly useful where long-term relief for the back is to be achieved. Request test and purchase models at attractive prices now. Exoskeletons from hTRIUS – Benefits and functions at a glance Buying an exoskeleton , it mostly comes down to the factors of comfort, suitability for everyday use and functionality. As a body-worn lifting aid, the BionicBack guarantees uncompromising usability and continuous relief. The intuitive setting depending on body dimensions and work movement allows for custom-fit support. The BionicBack can relieve the lower back by around a quarter and thus ensures less pain in everyday life. BionicBack - suitable for everyday use, light, inexpensive The BionicBack offers a level of flexibility that means you don't have to do without the mobility you are used to in everyday work. The flexible concept, based on the elastic back structure, adapts perfectly to the natural shape of the spine. Due to the special structure, the exoskeleton can reliably absorb and safely distribute all internal and external forces. The back structure always takes a leading position, so that you have reliable support. All the belt systems based on this can be expanded and adapted to the needs of the workplace as required. The exoskeleton for maximum mobility Request OFFER now BUY We are happy to advise you personally. If you have specific questions, we will advise you LIVE via video call at our EXOboutique. Here you have the opportunity to book a free consultation appointment. live BOOK CONSULTATION

  • Knowledge | hTRIUS

    Test first So that we can offer what we promise, we test what is possible. The following results were produced at ETH Zurich. # test-then-talk Understand To prove our developments, we meticulously check our results. The BionicBack was tested by us in the test laboratory at ETH Zurich. Thanks to the measurement technology used, we can reliably prove the relief in a muscle-specific manner. The aim of our investigations is to measure the fatigue and strain in the affected muscles. Our holistic approach is not only aimed at maximizing support, but also focuses on optimally coordinating all factors involved. The way in which exoskeletons work is focused on influencing biomechanical parameters. These can be measured, for example, using so-called surface electromyography. tested at MEASURE In surface electromyography, adhesive electrodes reflect muscle activity in the form of electrical potential. This means that muscle exertion and fatigue parameters can be read out later in the analysis. To test the BionicBack, each test person was equipped with electrodes on the muscles that are centrally involved in lifting: muscles for extending the spine in the lower back, muscles for stretching the hips in the buttocks and back of the thighs and muscles for stabilizing the trunk in the abdomen were measured. The benefits of the system can be seen in the comparison of the strain and fatigue parameters: Without support vs. with support from the BionicBack. #Measuring method sEMG (Surface electrodes) Study design: Dr. Felix Thomas Test In order to optimally represent the application in everyday work, each test subject completed dynamic lifting movements as well as holding tasks in a deep forced posture. Each task was performed with a 20kg test weight to simulate the average target application of manual handling. The static holding task was also carried out up to the maximum holding time in order to measure the holding power with and without support. To validate the results, the study design also included, among other things, a randomization of the processes, an warm up period, lifting frequency specifications and a subjective technique control. 20kg as an everyday test weight If the weight to be lifted is smaller, the relief values are higher. Results To measure the relief provided by the BionicBack, the activity of the muscles that are mainly involved in lifting movements in the body were measured in the laboratory. These are located on the back of the legs, the buttocks, along the spine in the back and on the sides of the stomach. (Hip extensors, back extensors and pelvic stabilizers) By using the BionicBack, it was possible to reduce muscle activity by up to 24% and muscle fatigue by up to 86%. Static holding task In the other test run, a static holding task was carried out and muscle activity was also measured. Each subject carried out the task for as long as they could. For comparison, once with and once without BionicBack. Significant muscle relief in the back extensor of up to 24% at times could be measured. Viewed over the entire exercise period, the use of the BionicBack can reduce muscle activity in the back extensor by 6%, in the back of the legs by 13%, in the buttocks by 11% and in the lateral abdominal muscles by 22%. However, it can be observed that the relief is concentrated on different parts of the body at different times of the load. Especially in the last 30s there is an increased relief of the back extensors, up to 24% on average. That means, especially at critical times when the back extensor muscles works at the load limit, the BionicBack takes on more and more of a support task for the wearer. Dynamic lifting task In one test run, the muscle activity was measured during lifting movements with a 20 kg weight. The movements were carried out in a standardized way with and without the support of the BionicBack and the results were compared. Averaged over the five test subjects, the result was a relief in the form of lower muscle activity of approx. 9% in the back extensor, 11% in the back of the legs and 36% in the abdominal muscle, while the gluteal muscle was relieved by 4.5%. Increased holding times thanks to BionicBack The supportive effect is not only evident in the reduced muscle activity, but above all in the increased holding time. Each subject was able to hold the holding task significantly longer if he used a BionicBack, on average by 55% longer. Significant reduction in signs of fatigue through BionicBack Electromyography can measure not only muscle exertion, but also muscle fatigue over time. Put simply, a tired muscle can be controlled neuronally with less high frequency over time - the decline of the signal frequency can be modeled in a (computer) analysis. This analysis shows that all measured muscles show significantly reduced signs of fatigue when they are supported by the BionicBack. With BionicBack, the back extensor tires averaged 86% less, the back of the leg by 50%, the gluteal muscle by 76% and the lateral abdominal muscle by 57%. Do exoskeletons therefore contribute to occupational safety ? summary With the help of these results, our goal - #SupportToWear - can be proven. The results are scientifically valid and allow a good insight into how the BionicBack works. Much more important, however , is that these results can be achieved without affecting usability. And that, in combination with the small system structure, the low weight and the variable functionality, makes it unbeatable. As current studies confirm, exoskeletons can only work if they are used for a long time without obstructing factors such as large structures or a high system weight. "That we can provide such tremendous data makes us particularly proud and encourages us in our "just do it"-culture." - CEO & FOUNDER Dominik Heinzelmann Current studies make it clear how important a high level of user acceptance really is when using exoskeletons. In one study, the scientists say that prevention is only possible if user acceptance of exoskeletons improves in the future. For subjects with back problems, the restrictions caused by the bulky system were very acceptable, but for subjects without back problems, the benefits could not make up for the limitations. (3) 3 Kozinc, Ziga; Babic`, Jan; Šarabon, Nejc (2020): Comparison of Subjective Responses of Low Back Pain Patients and Asymptomatic Controls to Use of Spinal Exoskeleton during Simple Load Lifting Tasks: A Pilot Study. In: International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (1). DOI: . Back to the product page

  • Exoskeleton | Wholesale

    BUY NOW BionicBack Zum BionicBack BionicBack exoskeleton in wholesale Relieves and supports Reduces downtime and risk of injury Improves strength, endurance, and mobility of the wearer Enhances work capacity, productivity, and efficiency Shortens task execution time Increases employee satisfaction and retention Boosts the level of innovation Relief for employees through assistance with physically demanding tasks Discover #SupportToWear - the BionicBack exoskeleton! This innovative product is designed to assist and relieve your employees when handling large containers of beverages and food. The BionicBack enhances physical performance by improving the strength and endurance of your staff through the exoskeleton. This reduces the strain on muscles and joints, minimizes the risk of injuries and fatigue, and optimizes the handling of goods. Imagine increasing productivity while simultaneously safeguarding the health of your team. That's exactly what our exoskeleton makes possible! Don't wait any longer; make life easier for your workforce. Utilize the exoskeleton in the beverage retail sector and experience the incredible benefits for yourself. Optimize your processes now! 37% less rounded back 30% less strain 86% less fatigue Relief Posture Improve work ergonomics and minimize strains Relieve your employees with our BionicBack. The exoskeleton enhances work ergonomics and minimizes physical strain. It provides support for heavy lifting and helps prevent muscle and skeletal disorders. Work more efficiently and healthily! Try it now and experience the difference. Ensure well-being in the workplace. Increase productivity while reducing downtime. Harness advanced technology for your business. Take the first step and contact us today! BUY NOW GET IN TOUCH Motion Capturing- Studie hTRIUS - Zehnder Motion Capturing- Studie hTRIUS - Zehnder_2 Motion Capturing- Studie hTRIUS - Zehnder_3 Motion Capturing- Studie hTRIUS - Zehnder 1/4 Scientifically tested and confirmed by our customers 30% relief 37% less rounded back 86% less fatigue Increase in physical performance Better sleep Enhancement of well-being Improvement in quality of life Increase in productivity and efficiency in wholesale With the BionicBack exoskeleton, you can increase the productivity and efficiency of your employees by facilitating the quick and efficient transportation of goods. The exoskeleton relieves and supports heavy lifting. It allows you to make workplaces safer, healthier, and more efficient. Take on fatigue and muscle tension. Don't miss this opportunity! Request more information today and take your wholesale business to the next level with our exoskeleton. REQUEST INFORMATION Faster order processing and workplace safety Do you want to take your processes to the next level and improve working conditions? With BionicBack, this is now a reality. This innovative product ensures faster order processing. Discover the impressive benefits, such as increased productivity, reduced physical strain for your employees, and improved workplace safety. The exoskeleton is easy to use and can be seamlessly integrated into existing work processes. Don't wait any longer, enhance your workflows with the hTRIUS exoskeleton and boost your efficiency! BUY NOW Future security through the use of modern technology Experience future security through the use of our BionicBack. Our solution provides all the benefits of a secure and fatigue-resistant work environment in the beverage and food industry. This enables processes such as goods transport, storage, and picking, among others, to be more efficient. Trust in advanced technology and secure a competitive advantage. Let the performance and robustness of our exoskeleton convince you. Don't hesitate, contact us today, and experience #SupportToWear for yourself! GET IN TOUCH Increase in employee satisfaction and motivation The BionicBack exoskeleton in wholesale, retail, and beverage retail – the solution that elevates employee satisfaction and motivation to a new level. By supporting physical labor and reducing fatigue, the exoskeleton enables your employees to perform their tasks more efficiently and comfortably. Not only that, it promotes a healthy work environment and reduces the risk of injuries. Imagine how happy and motivated your employees will be when they can carry out their work with less physical strain. Start now with the hTRIUS exoskeleton in your company. Experience the difference!

  • The world's first exoskeleton with AGR seal of quality

    Buy BionicBack To the BionicBack Tested and recommended by experts Our BionicBack exoskeleton is the first exoskeleton to receive the AGR Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V. quality seal for particularly back-friendly products. This distinction is only awarded to products that are classified as especially back -friendly and thus sustainably promote back health. The AGR quality seal certification means that the BionicBack meets the highest medical and ergonomic standards. SAFE, TRUSTWORTHY, HEALTH-PROMOTING Buy it What distinguishes the BionicBack exoskeleton The AGR seal of approval means that the BionicBack meets the highest medical and ergonomic standards. Our exoskeleton is recommended by the Forum Gesunder Rücken – besser leben eV and the Federal Association of German Back Schools (BdR) eV, taking the following criteria into account: Proven biomechanical effect on: hip extensors, back extensors, core stabilizers Reduces overload during repetitive bending and lifting operations Good fit Adjustable to the individual work profiles Comfortable handling Lightweight Weather and environment resistant Easy to clean Without restrictions or hindrances in everyday working life With the AGR seal of approval as a quality feature, companies can be sure that they are investing in a product that meets both employee and medical requirements! Recommended by experts Buy BionicBack To the BionicBack The AGR Seal of Approval The Aktion Gesunder Rücken (AGR) e. V. is an independent association dedicated to promoting back health. To this end, the AGR has developed the "Tested & Recommended" seal of approval as a decision-making aid for consumers. This seal is awarded exclusively to products classified as "back-friendly." An independent testing commission, consisting of doctors and therapists from various fields, evaluates a wide range of products against stringent criteria. Supported by the Alliance for Back Health, which includes around 150,000 therapists and doctors, the AGR seal relies on comprehensive scientific insights and practical experience. The BionicBack meets these rigorous standards and provides a sustainable solution for the prevention and treatment of back pain. The seal of approval has been rated as "highly recommended" by the Federal Association of Consumer Initiative e.V. and has been recognized as reputable and trustworthy by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). To the AGR website The world's first exoskeleton with AGR seal of approval

  • Exoskeleton | Garage

    Buy now About BionicBack Working in an automotive workshop is physically demanding. Whether changing wheels, repairing engines, or performing other heavy tasks – your back and joints are heavily strained. Overuse and improper strain can even lead to musculoskeletal disorders. With the BionicBack Exoskeleton, you are well-equipped to meet these challenges. It supports you in heavy and repetitive tasks, promotes an ergonomic, natural posture, and actively contributes to your health. Especially during the tire change season, when your workshop team is highly stressed by a rush of customers, the physical strain increases. Frequent lifting and bending, as well as mounting heavy tires, pose a real challenge. The BionicBack Exoskeleton eases these tasks and helps you get through this intensive work phase efficiently and pain-free. In times of labor shortages and high employee turnover, the health and satisfaction of your staff are crucial for any business. With the BionicBack Exoskeleton, you not only protect your health but also reduce sickness-related absences, giving your automotive workshop a clear competitive advantage. Relief for Automotive Professionals – with the BionicBack Exoskeleton Sustainability and Cost Efficiency With fewer work-related absences and higher efficiency, you save costs in the long term. The BionicBack Exoskeleton is an investment that pays off quickly and sustainably improves your working methods. Request Information A modern and health-conscious workplace makes your company more attractive to qualified professionals. This not only helps you attract new talent but also increases the satisfaction of your existing employees. Attractiveness as an Employer Buy now Whether changing wheels, lifting and mounting heavy car parts, or during inspections and maintenance – the BionicBack Exoskeleton is versatile in the automotive industry. Versatile Applications Contact us BionicBack Exoskeleton in the garage #SupportToWear 37% less rounded back The Back Structure: Flexible and perfectly fitting Your spine is optimally supported by the flexible back structure You can easily achieve a neutral and healthy back position Improve your posture by 37% – noticeable for your back Say goodbye to back pain and experience relief in everyday life Fewer sick days, more energy, and productivity Enjoy maximum comfort and work pain-free More energy and productivity You relieve your joints and muscles by up to 30% More endurance at work and more energy for your free time Feel fitter and more balanced after every workday Increase your productivity throughout the week Your employer benefits from higher efficiency and fewer sick days Together, you save costs through increased performance and health 30% less strain 86% less fatigue Fitter Thanks to Optimal Relief 86% less fatigue through improved posture and optimal relief Your joints and muscles are relieved by 30% You benefit from noticeably better posture due to the back structure More energy and well-being during and after work Work more productively and feel fit even after work Your employer benefits from your consistent performance and motivation About BionicBack Buy now Applications of the BionicBack Exoskeleton in the garage Optimal Support for Automotive Technicians Benefits of the BionicBack Exoskeleton About BionicBack Buy now Faster, Safer, More Ergonomic: Tire Changes with an Exoskeleton Tire Change and Installation The recurring task of lifting and installing heavy tires is demanding and can lead to injuries. With the BionicBack exoskeleton, this burden is significantly alleviated, allowing you to work more safely and efficiently. Engine Repair When working in a bent position, the BionicBack provides optimal support. It reduces the strain on your lower back while ensuring necessary freedom of movement. Repair and Maintenance Whether lifting spare parts or working in the engine compartment, the BionicBack exoskeleton relieves your back and joints, allowing you to work longer and pain-free. Working Under the Vehicle When working under the vehicle, the exoskeleton enables a more ergonomic body position. It noticeably relieves your back and protects you during demanding lifting tasks. Installation of Heavy Parts Lifting and installing heavy car parts like engines, shock absorbers, or transmissions is made significantly easier with the BionicBack. This helps you conserve your back muscles and work more efficiently. Why You Should Buy an Exoskeleton from hTRIUS

  • 02 Update | hTRIUS

    Top Hard to believe sometimes... /Future/ Everything just starts when someone is working on it. Rise up and connect with innovation. #update Link For the future. Everything starts with a step, with a YES, with an idea. Everything builds on top of it. That is why we do not design products ... we design the future. Those who are clever trust us and embark on an exciting journey. Future Ready - Everything we develop today, will also fit tomorrow.

  • Exoskeleton | Industries

    Buy now About BionicBack Logistics Construction Wholesale Garage Furniture Transport Landscaping BionicBack Exoskeleton in Action #SupportToWear Logistics In logistics, speed is essential, but the physical strain from constant lifting and carrying can reduce productivity. Our exoskeleton provides support with every movement, boosting efficiency while protecting the back. Neugierig? Construction On construction sites, heavy physical tasks are part of daily life. The BionicBack exoskeleton helps construction workers handle loads more safely and efficiently, reducing fatigue and preventing injuries – ideal for a long workday on the site. Neugierig? Wholesale In wholesale and retail, lifting and moving heavy goods is a daily task. The BionicBack exoskeleton reduces physical strain, increasing productivity and safeguarding employees' health in the long term. Neugierig? Applications of the Back Exoskeleton The BionicBack is used in areas where physical relief and support are needed, particularly in work environments where employees perform repetitive and/or ergonomically demanding tasks. Its applications are diverse. Concrete use cases Garage In garages, tasks often involve working in a bent-over position. Repeatedly lifting and mounting tires puts significant strain on the back. The BionicBack can reduce this burden and make the work more efficient. Neugierig? Furniture Transport In furniture transport, heavy lifting and carrying are often required. The BionicBack exoskeleton reduces the strain on the back and joints, supports the lifting of bulky objects, and promotes a more efficient and healthier way of working. Neugierig? Landscaping In landscaping, demanding tasks like lifting, digging, and carrying are daily occurrences. With the exoskeleton, employees can optimize their physical abilities while relieving stress on their backs. Neugierig?

  • EXOboutique | hTRIUS

    hTRIUS EXOboutique A place for all questions The hTRIUS EXOboutique is the place where we meet for your questions. The EXOboutique is online and LIVE. Book your appointment via video conference and you will end up in the EXOboutique. The consultation is free of charge and is aimed at companies interested in buying our products. Within the EXOboutique we explain our products to you and can talk about your requirements. Share the conference link with your colleagues and bring everyone to a virtual table. In this way, many questions can be clarified directly. Choose your time slot Pick a slot


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